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CyberArk Vault Integration

Many of our privileged account credentials are stored and retrieved from CyberArk.  I would love to see integration with the Royal products!

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I'm happy to report that Royal TS 5.0 has been released and includes dynamic folders:

This allows you to integrate 3rd party tools like this. We also have a couple of samples on our github repo which shows how this works:

For more information about the major new features of Royal TS 5.0, please head over to our

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Hi Stefan !

Would it be possible to provide an example of a script to fetch Dyanmic Credentials and then use this credential to connect to other machines defined in a static folder heirarchy ?

For Example - 

Define a Dynamic Credential - "AD Creds" that are fetched from a password vault solution like Thycotic Secret Server or CyberArk, and then use this credential when connecting to multiple machines that are already defined ?

Thanks !


Yeah, this is happening more and more and it would be nice to continue to leverage this product.

My workplace can be sooo slow sometimes, I added a note here like 5 years ago, but it looks like there is a project in place for cyberark as the current PAM. I reviewed the repo you referenced way back when and see that it is more flushed out (have to take a closer look at the 1Password sample, btw) but that also caught me off guard in that I hoped for a cyberark sample to reference (or are you aware of another repo that someone has posted that you guys like?). Or new advice?

Also been using this a long time and would willing give the product up ;)

Hi Madan,

you can assign dynamic credentials the same way to static connections/folder as with normal credentials. I suggest you use the "Assign credential by name" mode to ensure changing IDs are not an issue. Just enter the name of the dynamic credential in your connection/folder and you're good to go.



would NOT give it up... ugg think I typod that before but can't tell now.

Hi Andrew,

yes indeed, there's a dedicated cyberark repo here:

Let me know if this helps.


is it possible to update reason why someone is connecting to some server?

Hi Filip,

out of the box it's not possible in Royal TS but you could do this with a Connect task (show a prompt for a reason) and push the information to the CyberArk using their API (assuming that the API supports that).


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