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Better Upgrade/Patching mechanism

as a long time RoyalTS user (since v2)... I'm finally going to vent a complaint:

While I love, and applaud your constant update/improvements...

I'm SO sick of having to run a full 130meg download/install/wait-while-dotnet-chugs-my PC 'optimising'.

I use RoyalTS on 7 workstations at the six different sites(Schools) I work at, as well as my Home PC...

and it's REALLY starting to grind my gears at having to upgrade all 7 installations, sometimes every week or two...

(5 upgrades since v6's June release = me installing RoyalTS 35 times in less than 8 weeks!!)

SURELY you guys can come up with a built-in updater/patching system

I'd love it to just launch RoyalTS.. have it detect a new version available -> Dialog: "would you like to upgrade?"    Yes.... 20meg patch downloads/installs... and bam.. done!

thankyou for my vent :)

Thanks, it's working again.

In my case I'm getting an UAC prompt for credentials because I'm running as a standard user.

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