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Add support for RealVNC VNC Viewer.

tightvnc doesnt seem to work with MAC osx.

Hey Stefan! thanks for letting me know. And thanks for the KB! that would be very helpful for people that run into this again :)

FYI: we created a KB article with troubleshooting tips for VNC connections: 

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Sure, we always can put up a knowledge base article with some troubleshooting tips if a certain error occurs. I'm hesitant to implement "special error handling" based on generic error messages because in our experience this can also lead to confusion when that error occurs for a completely different reason. This has happened before and in the end we regretted the customized error message because the situation completely changed over time.

I imagined that something like that was happening that was not "fixed" already. (and with fixed I mean just dropping the correct error) Maybe add the error to a troubleshooting guide somewhere? Maybe when connecting to vnc ask for credentials by default? and a checkbox to "do not ask" if still someone out there that leaves a vnc server without a password... Is not difficult to reproduce, just install TightVNC server on any windows 10 or 2019+ server and try to connect to it without setting credentials 

Thanks for the reply!

Hi Mariano! I'm sorry that this is so confusing. We can't really change that behavior because it's part of the VNC specs/implementation. The error messages we get from the VNC server are sometimes not really helpful.

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Ok, so, setting the credentials works. Its time to do something at Royal, to ask for credentials, or the error to be "set credentials" that would save 30 minutes of googling to fin this hidden post and read all replies... :D

I see. Mystery solved. Glad you got it working!

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Ahhh I did not see your last answer. With this it works!!

I did not know that I have to set credentials and I waited for a window to ask me for it.

Thank you very much!

These are the generated Test-Passwords which for example won't work:




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It just dawned on me that I haven't seen any screenshot/configuration from your VNC credential in Royal TS. Did you actually specify the password in the connection's credential page (in the password field while leaving the user name field blank)?

That's weird because the passwords (with 8 chars) we use, work fine in our tests. Can you try a couple 8 char passwords with letters, numbers, symbols and try if that helps. If it doesn't, can you share one of the combinations you tried so that we can verify this on our end? Please don't share any of your "real" passwords ;)

I tried to change to a stronger password, but on Mac it is limited to 8 caracters, so unfortunatly no success with that.

We did get some more information from the vendor but there's still no fix for it on the horizon. In previous .NET versions, the vendor put in an override for the DES weakness check which is built into .NET. Since we switched to .NET 5/6 (previously known as .NET Core) the code in the framework changed and cannot be overwritten as easy as before.

It does seem to be related to the configured password though. If you change the password to a stronger one, it should work. Can you try that and let us know if that's the case?

Hello Stefan,

any updates on the DES-error?



Thanks! I forwarded your logs to the vendor.

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