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Import of subfolder placements ( Path )

Hi there, I miss the follwoing feature, when importing a large set of Connections.
When importing multiple connections via CSV. I would like to sepcify the Path ( Folder Placememnt of the connections) directly in the CSV.

So it would be possible to import different groups of connections ( for example by location / subfolder ) at once. 

For now it is only pssoble to import Connections all residing in one folder ( sepcified a t the end of the import process).



Does this script still work?  I made sure to import the latest Royal TS PowerShell module.  I receive the following error:

New-RoyalObject : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'RoyalDocumentLibrary.RoyalFolder' required by parameter 'Folder'. Specified method is not supported.
At C:\Program Files\Royal TS V6\RoyalTS Import.ps1:45 char:42
+ $newConnection = New-RoyalObject -Folder $lastFolder -Type RoyalRDSCo ...
+                                          ~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidArgument: (:) [New-RoyalObject], ParameterBindingException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotConvertArgument,RoyalDocument.PowerShell.RoyalObjectCmdLets.NewRoyalObjectCmdLet
The property 'URI' cannot be found on this object. Verify that the property exists and can be set.
At C:\Program Files\Royal TS V6\RoyalTS Import.ps1:46 char:1
+ $newConnection.URI = $server.URI
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [], RuntimeException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PropertyNotFound

Has this been addressed? When I export a terminal session to a CSV, I see that Royal creates a header for Path.  However, when I try to import with the same header, it does not recognize it as an option and it dumps all of our terminal connections into a single folder instead of creating a new folder specified under the "path" header. I do not have this issue with SecureCRT. 

Hi Paul,

the CSV importer is still quite limited. I recommend you check out the powershell script for CSV import using path folder structure.


Is there an updated or expanded post regarding V5? I am not finding the dll referenced for importing the powershell module in the V3 and V4 instructions (RoyalDocument.PowerShell.dll) in my install.

Hi Paul,

sorry for the confusion. We did remove the RoyalDocument.PowerShell.dll from our installer because we are now shipping it through the PowerShell Gallery:

We've also updated our docs accordingly:

Let me know if this helps.



Hi Scott,

I recommend you open a new support ticket with all the details so that we can have a look at it:


Hi Patrick,

thank you for your feature request. You're right, that at the moment you can't import from CSV into different folders according to a location field. This is mostly because there are too many scenarios how this location is specified. That's why we created a sample PowerShell script which can easily adapted and modified to your needs which allows you to cover more advanced scenarios:

I hope this helps.


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