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[Feature request] Full screen F11 style for Royal TS

TL;DR: Want a full screen F11 style (like a browser) feature for Royal TS.

I just switched over to a Windows laptop from a dying Mac, but am still latching on to my crazy touchpad use and usage of multi-desktops (the Windows implementation is not terrible, but OS X is better). I've started putting Royal on its desktop and wanted it to be full screen - hiding the Windows toolbar and its own toolbar - like i did in OS X. For now I am just hiding Royal's toolbar.



2 people like this idea


the Royal TS UI is inspired by Microsoft Office and Visual Studio. Like Office, we also support the Auto-hide Ribbon mode:

Let me know if this  helps.


This should be a must feature, in mac version the useless top ribbon that's in the windows version doesn't even exist. Please team, take this request and transform in a feature!

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