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Permit Dynamic Folder Reload without Lockdown Password

For the purposes of Royal TS/TSX my team is grouped into two roles, Users and Maintainers.

Users have the encryption password, and only open the document in order to connect to hosts in the course of performing their job duties.

Maintainers, have the lockdown password and are responsible for keeping the document updated as hosts change.

As implemented in Royal TS today, only Maintainers may leverage Dynamic Folders because the script will only execute after the lockdown password is entered, and caching is not permitted on a Shared document. It would be great if the Reload capability could be given to my Users (encryption password only).

Thank you.

Hi Adam, Hi Markus

I've just created an encrypted document which also has a lockdown password.
Within the document, I have a folder containing some dynamic folders which I can reload without having to enter the lockdown password, even though the document itself is locked.

Can you please describe your workflow, so I can reproduce the error, in case it still persists?

Thanks & best regards,


Thank you, Christoph.

Per image, you can see in Royal TSX ( that Reload is dimmed and unavailable when document is locked.


In Royal TS, the Reload option is not dimmed however there is no action taken when clicked. The progress indicator does not spin, nor does the folder reset to the default depth view.

Royal TS version 6.0.50824 was used.

Hi Adam,

if you uncheck the setting 'Do not allow to edit or modify this document' within the lockdown properties of the folder, you should be able to reload the Dynamic Folder.

Let me know if that helped.

best regards,


Thank you, Christoph, that did help.

However, I had to uncheck both 'Do not allow to edit or modify this document' and 'Do not allow passwords in this document to be revealed' in order for Reload to function properly without a Lockdown password.

I appreciate the assistance,


Hi Adam,

thanks for the info and glad that it worked for you.

Let me know if you need anything else, and have a nice day.

best regards,



any news on this topic?

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