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Farm name specified in user's RDP file (hints) could not be found

Hello everyone,

after importing a RDP file, which was downloaded from the RD Web Gateway of a 2019 RDS farm, the connection wont be established.

On the 2019 RD broker, the following error is logged.

RD Connection Broker failed to process the connection request for user ******.
Farm name specified in user's RDP file (hints) could not be found.


The connection is disconnected without seeing any desktop. The connection is established over a RD Gateway. Credentials are correct. I can connect without any problems using the previously imported RDP file.

Any hints?


Ticket eröffnet und Problem gelöst :) Zielführend war dieser KB Artikel:

Troubleshoot RDP Connectivity Issues : Royal Apps

Den hatte ich vorher schon mal gesehen und so halbherzig ein 123 an den Loadbalancing String angehangen. Geholfen hat das nicht. Ich habe mir dann den dort verknüpften Link zur Microsoft-Doku angesehen und habe dann ein .0000 angehangen. Damit hat es dann funktioniert! Aus dem Artikel:

The final four zeros are optional and are reserved. The final decimal point is required, as are the trailing carriage return and linefeed. The length of the string, in characters, must be an even multiple of 2, so add a space if necessary.

Wie gesagt: .0000 hat geholfen. :) Vielen Dank auch an Germar!

Hi Patrick,

not sure what's going on. Maybe an issue with the RDP file or the import code. Can you open a support ticket and send us the rdp files (prev. working and the one not working)? You can open a support ticket here:



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